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Congregation Master Map (Wall Map)

Displaying a master territory map (sometimes referred to as wall map) at your Kingdom Hall is a great way to display your congregation's territories for publishers and newly interested ones. The map can also be a useful tool for the friends to use to be able to see where boundaries are or even help in deciding which territory they would like assigned to them.

Digital Wall Map

Territory Helper provides a digital version of the congregation master map on your Territories page. This page is designed to be displayed on a TV, monitor, tablet or any device available at your Kingdom Hall. The digital version also allows for the congregation to view the currently assigned territories, heat maps, or even track your campaigns real time.

Simply collapse the territory list and click the full screen button as shown in the image below.

Printed Wall Map

Territory Helper also provides two ways to create a printed version of your congregation's master territories.

Some congregations may not have the means to display the digital master map or would still prefer to use a printed version.

The simpliest to print the master territories map is by making use of the master territories map export on the Import and Export page.

The export can be customized by setting the default appearance of your Territories.

Another, more advanced approach can be done by exporting your territories from the Import and Export page. There is a wide variety of services or print shops that can make use of the generic KML or GeoJSON file format available for export.

Google Earth Pro Master Map

Generating your congregation's wall map is very simple with Google Earth Pro.

Export your congregation's territories in KML format and simply open the file in Google Earth Pro. You can find Google Earth Pro available for download.

Google Earth Pro is now free to use by signing in with your Google username and the password GEPFREE.

Simply take the KML file you saved from Territory Helper and open it in the Google Earth Pro application. The map will automatically adjust to the territories you have imported as shown in the image below.
When you have the looking as you'd like you simply save as an image as shown in the image below or by pressing Ctrl + Alt + S.
Once the image is saved a title can be placed on the map and the image is now ready to be saved to your disk for use in print. It is recommended you first adjust the resolution of the saved image as shown in the image below.

Google Earth Tips

Typically you'll want an aerial view of your congregation's territories. You can adjust the angle of the map by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking and dragging with the mouse to the desired angle.

Google Earth also allows for map styling. Many may not want the satellite view. To change to another view, such as the standard Google Maps view overlays can be added to the current map.

One commonly used overlay is found at Map Overlays. Here the map type Google Maps can be selected and used to mimic the classic map style.