

Territory Helperについての情報

Territory Helperとは?

Territory Helper is pretty much exactly what its name implies - it helps servants responsible for their congregation's territories and maybe a tiny bit more.

It's a use web application that creates a uniform platform to create, manage and analyze a congregation's territories. Territory Helper is the first application specifically designed for territories, eliminating the use of expensive mapping software, or even worse, paper and scissors.


There are a number of reasons why web is brilliant for applications. Web based applications allow the clients, namely you, to run on whatever operating system you want. Territory Helper is also intended for global use. Not every country has access to fast computers capable to store and process all of the data a congregation is generating.

The maps are all built on numerious web based map providers.. This allows a huge array of device support for unified map viewing and editing. Another great benefit to it being web based is that the information can be shared between the entire congregation and never have to worry about synchronizing the data.


既存のソフトで区域の作成を行おうとすると多くの不満 な点があると言われています。
誰もが同じ問題に取り組んでいたことがすぐにわかりました。 ある人たちは旅行計画ソフトを試しており、webベースのマッピングソフトを使っている人たちもいます。いまだ紙とハサミに頼っているものもあります。